The members of SPES GEIE are mainly EU National Food and Beverage Federations or Organisation representing food industry producers. Do you want to enter in collaboration with us? Please have a look at the map and read our profiles below!

- Full official name: Federazione Italiana dell’Industria Alimentare
- Official address: Viale Pasteur 10, 00144 Roma
- Contact person:
Giorgia Sabbatini -

FEDERALIMENTARE is Federation of the Italian Food and Beverages Industry, the second-highest-ranking Italian manufacturing sector which accounts for 8% of the national GDP, with an annual turnover of over 142 billion Euro. The 13 Italian trade Associations for each food and drink sector are grouped together under Federalimentare, which represents almost 7,000 companies with more than 9 employees each, located throughout Italy. The Federation is:
- committed to working alongside the authorities in promoting a food model based on safety and quality requisites. It helps skilled entrepreneurs seize the best business opportunities in Italy and abroad, ensuring the core values of the Italian food culture are promoted worldwide whilst preventing imitations and counterfeiting.
- aware of the needs of food companies and promotes collective economic and social growth. It supports research and innovation, in keeping with tradition, by responding to market developments and new consumer needs.
The Federation is composed by the following product branches association: UNIONFOOD (Confectionery, Chocolates, Ice creams, cakes, biscuits and pasta products), ANCIT (preserved and canned fruit and vegetables, frozen products, baby foods and dietetic products, coffee, honey, and canned fish, food supplements, pasta), ANICAV (preserved vegetables), ASSALZOO (feed), ASSICA (pig meat and all meat processed products, hams, salami, etc), ASSITOL (olive oils, seed oils and margarine), ASSOBIBE (soft drinks), ASSOBIRRA (beer and malt), ASSOCARNI (fresh meat), ASSOLATTE (milk and dairy products), FEDERVINI (Wine, spirits, vinegars, syrups and grape juices), ITALMOPA (flours, semolina, based flour mixes and pasta products) and MINERACQUA (mineral natural waters). FEDERALIMENTARE is member of FoodDrinkEurope and Confindustria (Confederation of the Italian Industries). The activity of the federation is also targeted at services performance, assistance and consulting to companies, companies’ associations, business associations and other organisations operating in the food sector.

- Full official name: Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires
- Short name: ANIA
- Official address: 9 boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris
- Contact person: Ariane Voyatzakis -

- Food safety/quality/ nutrition issues
- Transfer of added value from manufacturing to distribution.
- Competitiveness and ability to export in a changing world.
- Lack of attractiveness of the food processing industry for young people.
- Environmental issues
- Innovation

- Full official name: Federação das Indústrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares
- Short name: FIPA
- Official address: Rua da Junqueira, 39 - Edifício Rosa - 1º - 1300-307 Lisbon, Portugal
- Contact person: Pedro Queiroz -

- Full official name: Federación Española de Industrias de Alimentación y Bebidas
- Short name: FIAB
- Official address: Velázquez, 64 – 3º - 28001 Madrid
- Contact persons: Eduardo Cotillas - Concha Ávila -

- Full official name: Federation of Hellenic Food Industries
- Short name: SEVT
- Official address: 340 Kifissias Av., 154 51, Neo Psychiko, Athens, Greece
- Contact persons: Vasso Papadimitriou -

- Full official name: Türkiye Süt, Et, Gıda Sanayicileri ve Üreticileri Birliği Derneği - Union of Dairy, Beef, Food Industrialists and Producers of Turkey
- Short name: SETBİR
- Official address: Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2125. Sokak No:6 A Blok D:6 06510 Eskişehir Yolu / Çankaya / Ankara / Turkey
- Contact person: Feyza Başak Coşkun -

- Full official name: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises
- Short name: CCIS-CAFE
- Official address: Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Contact person: Tatjana Zagorc -

- Full official name: Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt
- Short name: LVA
- Official address: Zaunergasse 1-3, 1030 Vienna, Austria
- Contact persons: DI Julian Drausinger - Dr. Katharina Stollewerk -

- Full official name: Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic
- Short name: FFDI
- Official address: Počernická 96/272, 108 03 Praha 10 – Malešice, Czech Republic
- Contact person: Dr. Miroslav Koberna -;