PLANEAT new project on the road to start!
Project overview
Traditional models of agriculture are facing ruthless competition from industrial agriculture. The price war and the many intermediaries along the food supply chains are squeezing the margins of small producers and have an impact on the environment. This, together with a growing mistrust of European citizens for processed food products and the development of particular concern for the environment, is leading more and more consumers to turn to local producers to supply themselves with fresh, quality food products. Alternative short food chain models have shown strong promises to increase the revenue and place of the farmers in society, but their uptake remain marginal and often limited to small initiatives. One of the main reasons behind this lackluster adoption is that EU producers are often limited in available time and access to training to develop new skills and knowledge. The FOOD IMPROV’IDERS project thus aims to facilitate EU producers’ uptake of relevant knowledge and competences through fit for purpose training content and adapted learning methodology.
Project objectives
- Investigate innovative food supply chain best practices to rebalance the producers’ position in the food chain and enhance consumers’ satisfaction
- Design, develop and test learning materials conducive to the integration of producers in fairer food chain models and improved understanding of consumers’ needs and expectations
- Develop a tailored e-learning platform and adapted pedagogical content for wider dissemination amongst stakeholders
- Promote the content developed to stimulate uptake by producers of innovative food chain models
Work Plan
To achieve these objectives and impacts, the project will adopt a producer-centric approach by keeping in mind the needs and requirements of producers in term of knowledge and training preferences. FOOD IMPROV’IDERS will study innovative food chain models that result in a fairer position for producers and develop fit-for purpose educational material identifying the determinants and key levers behind successful practices to facilitate the replication of fairer food chain models (WP1). Develop an e-learning platform tailored by the needs and feedback of the target audience and adapt the educational content developed for online self-learning (WP2). The developed pedagogical content on short food chains will be implemented and refined during blended-learning training sessions in the second and third year of the project training 360-480 EU producers (WP3, WP4). The project will ensure a wider uptake of the project results via a strong communication and dissemination strategy (WP5) supported by efficient project management (WP6).
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FOOD IMPROV’IDERS is funded by the European Commission within its Erasmus+ Programme, under KA-2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnership for Adult Education Project Number: 2020-1-FRO1-KA204-080640